El día de la entrevista

La entrevista en Madrid llegó. Tras una semana decidiendo qué ropa sería la más adecuada para parecer seria a la misma vez que mostrara mi personalidad, escogiendo respuestas para todas esas preguntas que se pueden encontrar en Internet (más abajo os escribo una relación de las más comunes), y por supuesto, informándome muy bien del estado por el que iba a hacer la entrevista: North Carolina.

Llegamos al hotel y nos reunieron a todos en una gran sala en la que los responsables del programa de profesores visitantes del Ministerio nos aclararon dudas sobre el mismo. A las 9:00 de la mañana comenzaron a citarnos en las habitaciones del hotel para las entrevistas.

Recuerdo el momento de subir en el ascensor y sentarme en una silla al lado de la puerta del dormitorio. Observaba al resto de compañeros, todos con cara de nerviosismo pues teníamos que ser capaces de trasmitir en poco tiempo todo lo que llevábamos preparado. Y con la boca totalmente seca entré a la entrevista.

Las responsables de las entrevistas para el estado de North Carolina eran de la empresa de Participate, la cual se encarga de contratar profesores para el estado. Me hicieron muchísimas preguntas sobre todo se centraron en supuestos (parecidos a los que aparecen en las oposiciones de maestros). Quieren saber principalmente cómo diriges el aula (classroom management), la relación con los padres y el trabajo en equipo con los compañeros de grado.

Una vez terminada la entrevista volví a la sala del comienzo y allí esperé unas dos horas hasta que a nos llamaron a otro compañero y a mi para volver a subir a la habitación. Allí, las mismas encargadas de las entrevistas nos dijeron que nos habían seleccionado para irnos a ese estado. Nos hablaron de todo el proceso, de cuáles eran los siguientes pasos y de los documentos que teníamos que enviar.

Y cuando crees que ya todos los nervios han acabado, te das cuenta de que la aventura sólo acaba de comenzar... 

Continuará en la siguiente entrada

Preguntas frecuentes y algunas ideas recopiladas de varias páginas de Internet:



Consideraciones previas: ¿Qué se espera del profesor visitante en
1. Ética de trabajo, cultura de esfuerzo
Tanto la intensidad en sus tareas docentes como la carga horaria en la escuela norteamericana serán
muy exigentes, pudiendo llegar a resultar abrumadoras durante los primeros meses, en los que se
pondrá a prueba su capacidad de resistencia y de trabajo. Sin embargo, gradualmente verá ese
esfuerzo sobradamente recompensado una vez superada esta fase inicial.
2. Adaptabilidad
Trasladarse a un nuevo país para tener una nueva experiencia profesional, personal y familiar dice
mucho en favor de la inquietud del docente que abandona su entorno para embarcarse en nuevas
experiencias. Es imprescindible tener una actitud abierta y flexible, sin ideas preconcebidas
huyendo de establecer comparaciones constantes con España. Debemos cambiar el chip y poner
todo de nuestra parte para integrarnos en una cultura, en un entorno educativo totalmente diferente
al de nuestro país de origen.
3. Actitud constructiva y positiva
Una actitud positiva y abierta es crucial para afrontar el reto que representa trabajar en un contexto
nuevo en el que se valora especialmente el pensamiento positivo y constructivo. Dicha actitud
implica saber escuchar, saber ponerse en el lugar de los demás, estar dispuesto a aprender y a
cambiar, incorporando las experiencias y el bagaje educativos previos, pero sin querer imponerlos
en el nuevo contexto. Esta actitud constructiva debe hacernos conscientes de nuestras limitaciones.
4. Colaboración y comunidad
El trato humano con los alumnos, compañeros, padres, y administradores es el componente más
importante del trabajo diario. El sistema educativo estadounidense prioriza el desarrollo de las
destrezas sociales, destrezas que los docentes debemos esforzarnos en desarrollar también con todos
los miembros de la comunidad educativa.
5. Compromiso individual
Vamos a establecer una relación contractual con una administración educativa estadounidense, por
tanto, debemos hacer gala desde el primer momento de la profesionalidad y responsabilidad que se

espera de nosotros en el cumplimiento de nuestras obligaciones laborales.

6. Compromiso colectivo y carácter representativo del PROFESOR VISITANTE:
embajadores culturales
Los profesores visitantes formamos parte de un colectivo de docentes que representa a nuestro país.
Por tanto, si desarrollamos nuestra labor docente de forma satisfactoria, como ocurre en más del
90% de los casos, o si nuestra labor no resulta tan positiva representamos a un colectivo y a la
imagen de un país que puede verse beneficiada y, en algunos casos excepcionales, perjudicada.

1. Tell us about yourself:
2. Describe your discipline philosophy
Firstly I defer to school’s discipline guidelines. I use positive reinforcement to achieve stability in
the classroom. It is important to have the classroom rules posted clearly on the wall. I suspect
discipline problems will be minimal because my lessons are interesting and engage students. Kids
tend to misbehave when they are bored, and I’m going to avoid that.
3. Has anyone ever influenced you in your life?
4. What are your studies and your experience?
5. Who you admire?
6. Why have you applied for this program?
7. Do you think you are a good candidate for this program? What makes you more suitable
than others?
8. Why do you want to go to work in the United States? What can you contribute with your
9. Are you single, married, have children or a couple?
10. Could you live far away from your family and friends?
11. Do you know that the weather is very hard? Could you adapt?
12. What will your husband / wife do while you work?
13. Could you live in a rural town? Or in a big city?
14. What are your personal skills?
15. Why did you choose North Carolina?
16. Is there anything we have not talked about that you would like to share with us?
17. Do you have any questions for us? What kind of facilities, training and technology are

18. How many students are there in each class?
19. What mentoring system do you have for first year teachers?
20. What is your philosophy of Education?
21. List three of your strengths and three of your weaknesses as a teacher and explain each one.
22. What is your knowledge of and experience with standards-based education?
In the actual Education Spanish law we have also take into consideration standards, therefore we are
familiar with them.
23. What experience have you had with students from culturally diverse backgrounds?
When I did an internship as Spanish teacher in England I had students from different backgrounds.
24. En USA hay una gran diversidad cultural: caucásicos, African-Americans, asiáticos,
latinos... ¿Cómo unificarías toda esa variedad?
25. What makes you an effective teacher?
26. Would you be happy if you were assigned to a different grade that the one you expected?
Would you take the job?
I like teaching different subjects and in different grades, I see it like a good opportunity to learn new aspects to grow as
a teacher. I feel confident teaching in elementary school however teaching older students would be a challenge that I
would be happy to accept.
27. If I were to contact your references what do you think they’d say about you?
I think they would say I’m a creative and innovative teacher.
28. What is your most successful accomplishment?
Getting my students excited about projects.
29. What was the most important thing you learned from your overall student teaching
30. What is the most satisfying, the biggest challenge, the scariest thing about teaching?
31. How would people describe you as a teacher? Name three words that describe you:
Innovator, creative, active
32. Do you want students to like you? Why or why not?
33. Who do you look up to and want to emulate?
34. Do you have any experience living abroad?
35. Why do you want to go to the USA? Do you think you will be able to cope with the
American way of life? Why?
36. Why are you applying for this program?
37. Why do you think you are a good candidate for this position? What makes you more suitable
than other candidates?
38. Would you describe yourself as a tough teacher or an understanding teacher? Explain.


1. Tell us about a lesson in which you have used differentiated instruction. Describe a successful
lesson. Tell why it was successful.
2. How do you make sure you are teaching to the state standards?
3. How do you meet the wide range of skills and needs commonly present in a non-ability
grouped classroom? En tu clase hay alumnos con ADD -déficit de atención- ¿Cómo puedes
ayudarles a que tengan mejores resultados?
4. How do you teach kids to utilize higher-order thinking skills in your classroom?
5. Describe the teaching techniques or strategies that are most effective for you to keep
students actively involved during a lesson.
6. How do you deal with unmotivated students?
7. How do you accommodate for a gifted student and non-English speakers in your class?
What can you do to meet the needs of students who do not speak English?
8. What daily or weekly routines would be incorporated in your teaching?
9. How closely do you follow your plans? What do you include when you write objectives?
What are some of the considerations you make when planning your lessons? What do you
include in your daily lesson plans? How do you plan a unit?

10. Are there any materials that you find are especially effective for slow learners or bright
11. How much homework do you assign? How do you know how long it will take your
12. If I walked into your classroom on a typical afternoon, what would I see going on?
13. How do you measure student performance in your classroom?
14. How do you reach that one student who just seems to not get it?
15. In what ways do you encourage creativity in your classroom?
16. What is your definition of a life-long learner? How can you promote it?
17. If you could design and decorate your classroom any way you wanted, what would it look
18. How do you develop self-esteem within students?
19. How do you make learning fun?
20. What do you do if the whole class is “not getting it”?
21. How do you connect your lessons to the “real world”?
22. Is it ok for a classroom to be noisy?
23. Could you describe a 60/90 minute lesson?
24. How would you help a student with ADD (attention deficit disorder)?
25. What do you enjoy most as a teacher?
26. How would you describe your ability to communicate with peers and parents?
27. Describe the job you think you will be doing in the U.S.
28. How would you describe yourself as a teacher?
29. How would your students describe you?
30. How would your colleagues describe you?
31. What do you think are the major problems of the American education system?
32. How do you face discipline problems? Describe some strategies you think are helpful to
overcome discipline problems.
33. Have you ever had a disagreement with a colleague? How did you solve it?
34. Describe a situation when you had a conflict with a student. How did you solve it?
35. How do you feel about working many more hours?


1. Tell us about your discipline philosophy
2. How do you face discipline problems? Describe some strategies you think are helpful to
overcome discipline problems. How would you create a behavior modification plan for a
student with ongoing behavior problems?
3. What are the primary rules you expect your students to follow? What kind of rules do you
have in your classroom? How are they established? What are your classroom rules?
4. What do you value most in a child
5. What is your classroom management plan/style?
6. What are your goals?
7. Describe what you consider to be the model classroom.
8. Describe some methods of positive reinforcement that you might use in your classroom.
How do you reinforce good behavior?
9. What would a typical day look like in this classroom?
10. Share three interesting things used in your classroom? (i.e. differentiated instruction,
cooperative learning, short cycle assessment)
11. A student tells his teacher that he forgot to bring his paper, which he had written the night
before. The teacher says, “I understand. I sometimes forget things like that too.” How do
you evaluate the way this teacher responded to the student?
12. What is your classroom management plan and what do you hope to accomplish with it?
13. What was the most challenging discipline problem you’ve encountered and how did you
handle it? What did you do? Were you prepared to handle the situation? In hindsight, would
you have handled this situation any differently ( lo habrías hecho de otra manera)?
14. What would you do if a student wasn't handing her homework on a regular basis?
15. One student hits another student. What do you do?
16. A student throws a pencil across the room. What do you do
17. Explain what you would do if a student was swearing in your class?
18. What would you do if a student was complaining about an assignment you have given?
19. What would you do if a parent complained about an assignment?


1. What kind of materials have you used to assess student strengths and weaknesses?
2. Are there any materials that you find are especially effective for slow learners or bright


1. What does teamwork mean to you? Give an example
2. Have you ever had a disagreement with a colleague? How did you solve it?
3. What should a principal expect from teachers?
4. What should teachers expect from their principal?
5. How do you keep parents informed about the daily/weekly progress of their son/daughter?
6. What vehicles do you use to communicate with parents?
7. Have you ever utilized a class newsletter? What did you include in the letter?
8. How would you deal with an angry parent if they called you?
9. How do you communicate with parents on a regular basis?
10. How do you keep parents aware of their son’s or daughter’s grades?
11. How would you react if a parent complained about your class?
12. What would you tell a parent if he or she was concerned about their kid’s grades?
13. What would you do if you received a note from a parent asking for their son to be excused
from last night’s homework because the student was too busy with another activity?
14. What would you do to calm an angry parent?
15. What course of action would you take if a student says he or she is being abused at home
16. How would you describe your ability to communicate with peers and parents?
17. Describe a situation when you had a conflict with a student. How did you solve it?


1. What do you know about North Caroline?
2. What do you like and what do you dislike about American culture?
3. How do you face the fact that you need a car in order to survive in the U.S?
4. What do you know about American culture with regard to political correctness, sexual

harassment and smoking policies? Please comment on this.
5. Describe briefly the American education system. What do you think are the major problems
of the American education system?
6. Would you mind teaching in a school that is 90% minorities and would you mind teaching to
students of different ethnic backgrounds?
7. What kind of contribution do you think you could make to American students?
8. What do you think you will learn from this experience and how do you think this experience
will benefit your teaching when you come back?
9. About the the job: Describe the job you think you will be doing in the U.S.


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